Name of District
(Section 2051.202)
Name and Term of Office for Each Board Member
(Section 26.18, Section 2051.202)
, President (Term Expires: May 2026)
, Vice President (Term Expires: May 2026)
, Secretary (Term Expires: May 2026)
, Assistant Vice President Secretary (Term Expires: May 2026)
, Assistant Secretary Director (Term Expires: May 2026)
Contact Information for Main Office of District (Mailing and Physical Address, and Phone Number)
(Section 26.18, Section 2051.202)
Official Contact Information for Each Board Member
(Section 26.18, Section 2051.202)
Same as contact information for main office of district.
If Applicable, Name of the General Manager
(Section 2051.202)
The Name of the Person Representing the Operator, Including a Mailing Address and Telephone Number
(Section 2051.202)
The Name of the Person Representing the Tax Assessor/Collector, Including Mailing Address and Telephone Number
(Section 2051.202)
The Rate of the Ad Valorem Tax
(Section 2051.202)
- 2022: $
If Applicable, the Sales and Use Tax Rate
(Section 2051.202)
Any Tax Rate Hearing Notice
(Section 2051.202)
- Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate – 2021
- Order Setting Tax Rate – 2021
Information about the District’s tax notices are available by clicking on this link.
Location and Schedule of Meeting of the District
(Section 2051.202)
A Statement that the Residents Have a Right to Request a Designation of a Meeting Location Within the District
(Section 2051.202)
Residents of the District have the right to request the designation of a meeting location within the District under Section 49.062(g), Water Code. A description of this process can be found at
Each Meeting Notice and Minutes of Meetings for the Current Year and the Preceding 12 Months
(Section 2051.202)
Information about the District’s agenda and minutes are available by clicking on this link.
Budget Information
(Section 26.18)
The taxing unit’s budget for the preceding two years:
- Approved Budget – 2020
- Approved Budget – 2021
The taxing unit’s proposed or adopted budget for the current year:
- Approved Budget – 2022
The change in the amount of the taxing unit’s budget from the preceding year to the current year:
- $; %
The amount of property tax revenue budgeted for maintenance and operations for the preceding two years and current year:
- 2019: $
- 2020: $
- 2021: $
- See approved budgets.
The amount of property tax revenue budgeted for debt service for the preceding two years and current year:
- 2019: $
- 2020: $
- 2021: $
- The District does not budget for debt service.
- See Tax Rate Components for debt service tax levy totals.
Tax Information
(Section 26.18)
The maintenance and operations tax rate for the preceding two years:
- 2020: $
- 2021: $
The proposed maintenance and operations tax rate for the current year:
- 2022: $
The debt service tax rate for the preceding two years:
- 2020: $
- 2021: $
The proposed debt service tax rate for the current year:
- 2022: $
Financial Information
(Section 26.18, Section 2051.202)
The most recent financial audit:
- Financial Audit – 12/31/2021
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
(Texas Local Government Code Chapter 176)
- Conflict of Interest Questionnaire
- Conflicts Disclosure Statement Form
- TEC – Conflict of Interest Forms and Instructions
- The Directors and vendors have not disclosed any conflicts pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176.
- Directors and vendors have disclosed the following conflict(s) pursuant to Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 176:
Energy Consumption Reports
(Texas Government Code Section 2265)
Information about the District’s energy consumption is available by clicking on this link.
Landowner’s Bill of Rights
(Texas Government Code Section 402)
Election Information
(HB 305)
Elections – Bonds
The District does not currently have a pending bond election.
Elections – Directors
Election – Documents
- Brazoria County – Elections Information
- Fort Bend County – Elections Information
- Harris County – Elections Information
- Montgomery County – Elections Information
The next election for the District will be held on November 7, 2023.
Director candidacy filing requirements and deadlines are as follows:
To run for election to the District’s Board of Directors, a person must file an application for a place on the ballot. The application must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or the Secretary’s designated agent by mail, email, fax or in person. An application may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
- Texas Ethics Commission – Forms and Instructions
- First day to file for place on the general election ballot is the 30th day before the last day to file.
- Last day and deadline to file for place on the general election ballot is the 78th day before the date of the election, by 5:00 p.m.
- A person may run for election to the District’s Board of Directors as a write-in candidate and to do so must file a declaration of write-in candidacy. The declaration must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or the Secretary’s designated agent by mail, email, fax or in person. A declaration form may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at The last day and deadline to file a declaration of write-in candidacy for the general election is the 74th day before the date of the election, by 5:00 p.m
The location(s) of the election will be posted upon determination.
Election – Documents
- Application For a Place on the Ballot For a General Election For a City, School District or Other Political Subdivision (
Solicitud de Inscripción para un Lugar en la Boleta de Una Elección General para Una Ciudad, Distrito Escolar u Otra Subdivisión Polĺtica ( - Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions
- Water Code Chapter 49 – Provisions Applicable to All Districts
- Water Code Chapter 54 – Municipal Utility Districts
The next election for the District will be held on November 8, 2022.
To be qualified to serve as a director, a person shall be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the district or be a qualified voter within the district.
Director candidacy filing requirements and deadlines are as follows:
To run for election to the District’s Board of Directors, a person must file an application for a place on the ballot. The application must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his designated agent by mail, fax or in person. An application may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
- Texas Ethics Commission – Forms and Instructions
- First day to file for place on November 8, 2022 general election ballot is Saturday, July 23, 2022.
- Last day to file for place on November 8, 2022 general election ballot is by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 22, 2022.
- A person may run for election to the District’s Board of Directors as a write-in candidate and to do so must file a declaration of write-in candidacy. The declaration must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his/her designated agent by mail, fax, email or in person. A declaration form may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
- Deadline to file write-in candidacy declaration for November 8, 2022 general election is by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 26, 2022.
The location(s) of the election will be posted upon determination.
Election – Documents
- Application For a Place on the Ballot For a General Election For a City, School District or Other Political Subdivision (
Solicitud de Inscripción para un Lugar en la Boleta de Una Elección General para Una Ciudad, Distrito Escolar u Otra Subdivisión Polĺtica ( - Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions
- Water Code Chapter 49 – Provisions Applicable to All Districts
- Water Code Chapter 54 – Municipal Utility Districts
The next election for the District will be held on November 8, 2022.
Location TBD and subject to change. *
The First Day to File an application for a place on the ballot will be on Saturday, July 23, 2022.
The Last Day to File an application is Monday, August 22, 2022 at 5:00p.m.
- Application For a Place on the Ballot For a General Election For a City, School District or Other Political Subdivision (
Solicitud de Inscripción para un Lugar en la Boleta de Una Elección General para Una Ciudad, Distrito Escolar u Otra Subdivisión Polĺtica (
Đơn Xin Vị Trí Trên Lá Phiếu Cho Cuộc Tổng Tuyển Cử Cho Thành Phố, Khu Học Chánh hoặc Phân Khu Chính Trị Khác (
申请参加城市、学区或其他政治分区的大选投票 ( - Texas Ethics Commission – Forms and Instructions
Applications must meet the following requirements:
Texas Election Code 141.031(a)(4)(E)
- US Citizen
- Not Mentally Incapacitated
- Not Partially Mentally Incapacitated, Without the Right to Vote
- Not Finally Convicted of a Felony, Without Pardon or Release
Texas Water Code 54.102
- 18 Years Old
- Resident Citizen of the State of Texas
- Qualified Registered Voter or Own Land Subject to Taxation in the District
Qualifications for Office
To be eligible to be a candidate for the position of Director, a person must:
- Be at least 18 years old;
- Be a resident citizen of the State of Texas; and
- Either own land subject to taxation in the District or be a qualified voter within the District.
Requisitos para postularse para un Cargo
Para ser elegible para ser candidato al cargo de Director, es obligatorio:
- Tener, como mínimo, 18 años;
- Ser ciudadano residente del Estado de Texas, y
- Ser propietario de un terreno sujeto a impuestos en el Distrito o ser un votante habilitado dentro del Distrito.
Tiêu chuẩn điều kiện đảm trách Chức Vụ
Để đủ điều kiện là một ứng cử viên tranh cử cho vị trí Giám Đốc, người đó phải:
- Đủ 18 tuổi;
- Là một công dân cư trú tại Tiểu Bang Texas; và
- Hoặc sở hữu đất chịu thuế trong phạm vi Cơ Quan, hoặc là một cử tri hội đủ điều kiện trong phạm vi Cơ Quan.
- 年滿18歲
- 為Texas州居民;以及
- 在本區內擁有應納稅土地或是本區合資格選民。
Texas Water Code 49.052
- Not related in 3rd degree of affinity (marriage) or consanguinity (blood) to a developer, Director, Manager, engineer, attorney or other person providing professional services to the District.
- Not an employee of a developer or Director, manager engineer, attorney or other person providing professional services to the District.
- Not a developer in the District.
- Not serving as attorney, consultant, engineer, manager, architect or other professional capacity for the District or a developer.
- Not a party to a contract with the District.
- Not a party to a contract with a developer in the District.
Election – Documents
- Application For a Place on the Ballot For a General Election For a City, School District or Other Political Subdivision (
Solicitud de Inscripción para un Lugar en la Boleta de Una Elección General para Una Ciudad, Distrito Escolar u Otra Subdivisión Polĺtica ( - Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions
- Water Code Chapter 49 – Provisions Applicable to All Districts
- Water Code Chapter 54 – Municipal Utility Districts
The next Directors Election will be May 6, 2023 in Harris County, Texas.
Requirements for filing for candidacy of each elected office:
- Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions
- Water Code Chapter 49 – Provisions Applicable to All Districts
- Water Code Chapter 54 – Municipal Utility Districts
The next election for the District will be held on May 6, 2023.
To be qualified to serve as a director, a person shall be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the district or be a qualified voter within the district.
Director candidacy filing requirements and deadlines are as follows:
To run for election to the District’s Board of Directors, a person must file an application for a place on the ballot. The application must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his designated agent by mail, fax or in person. An application may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
- Texas Ethics Commission – Forms and Instructions
- First day to file for place on May 6, 2023 general election ballot is Wednesday, January 18, 2023.
- Last day to file for place on May 6, 2023 general election ballot is by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 17, 2023.
- A person may run for election to the District’s Board of Directors as a write-in candidate and to do so must file a declaration of write-in candidacy. The declaration must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his/her designated agent by mail, fax, email or in person. A declaration form may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
- Deadline to file write-in candidacy declaration for May 6, 2023 general election is by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
The location(s) of the election will be posted upon determination.
Election – Documents
- Application For a Place on the Ballot For a General Election For a City, School District or Other Political Subdivision (
Solicitud de Inscripción para un Lugar en la Boleta de Una Elección General para Una Ciudad, Distrito Escolar u Otra Subdivisión Polĺtica ( - Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions
- Water Code Chapter 49 – Provisions Applicable to All Districts
- Water Code Chapter 54 – Municipal Utility Districts
The next election for the District will be held on May 4, 2024.
To be qualified to serve as a director, a person shall be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the district or be a qualified voter within the district.
Director candidacy filing requirements and deadlines are as follows:
To run for election to the District’s Board of Directors, a person must file an application for a place on the ballot. The application must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his designated agent by mail, fax or in person. An application may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
- Texas Ethics Commission – Forms and Instructions
- First day to file for place on May 4, 2024 general election ballot is Wednesday, January 17, 2024.
- Last day to file for place on May 4, 2024 general election ballot is by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 16, 2024.
- A person may run for election to the District’s Board of Directors as a write-in candidate and to do so must file a declaration of write-in candidacy. The declaration must be filed with the Secretary of the District’s Board of Directors or his/her designated agent by mail, fax, email or in person. A declaration form may be downloaded/printed from the website of the Texas Secretary of State at
- Deadline to file write-in candidacy declaration for May 4, 2024 general election is by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
The location(s) of the election will be posted upon determination.
Election – Documents
- Application For a Place on the Ballot For a General Election For a City, School District or Other Political Subdivision (
Solicitud de Inscripción para un Lugar en la Boleta de Una Elección General para Una Ciudad, Distrito Escolar u Otra Subdivisión Polĺtica ( - Candidacy Filing – Local Political Subdivisions
- Water Code Chapter 49 – Provisions Applicable to All Districts
- Water Code Chapter 54 – Municipal Utility Districts
Board of Directors Elections
The next directors election is scheduled for Saturday, May 4, 2024. The District will establish the polling place(s) for the election, which will be provided in the Notice of Election.
Applications for a place on the ballot may be filed from January 17, 2024, to 5:00 p.m. local time on February 16, 2024. For information about the requirements for filing for candidacy for a position on the Board, please visit the Texas Secretary of State’s candidate website, at
Elecciones de la Junta Directiva
La próxima elección de directores está programada para el sábado 4 de mayo de 2024; El Distrito establecerá el(los) lugar(es) para la elección, los cuales serán provistos en el Aviso de Elección.
Las solicitudes para un lugar en la boleta de votación pueden presentarse desde el 17 de enero de 2024 hasta las 5:00 p.m. hora local del 16 de febrero de 2024. Para obtener información acerca de los requisitos para presentar la candidatura para una posición en la Junta, sírvase visitar ele sitio web del candidato del Secretario de Estado de Texas en
Caùc Cuoäc Baàu Cöû Ban Giaùm Ñoác
Cuoäc baàu cöû caùc giaùm ñoác tieáp theo döï kieán ñöôïc toå chöùc vaøo thöù Baûy, 4 thaùng Naêm, 2024. Cô Quan seõ thieát laäp (caùc) ñòa ñieåm boû phieáu cho cuoäc baàu cöû, vaø thoâng tin veà ñòa ñieåm boû phieáu seõ coù trong Thoâng Baùo Baàu Cöû.
Thôøi gian noäp ñôn xin ghi teân treân laù phieáu laø töø ngaøy 17 thaùng Moät, 2024 ñeán 5 giôø chieàu giôø ñòa phöông ngaøy 16 thaùng Hai, 2024. Ñeå bieát theâm thoâng tin veà caùc yeâu caàu noäp ñôn tranh cöû cho moät ví trí cuûa Ban, vui loøng gheù thaêm website öùng cöû vieân cuûa Toång Tröôûng Tieåu Bang Texas taïi
Election Documents
- None at this time.
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.053(b), Texas Election Code, as amended, the May 7, 2022 election will not be held. A copy of the Order Cancelling Election and Declaring Unopposed Candidates Elected to Office is linked below:
Please see Section 54.102, Texas Water Code, and 141.001, Texas Election Code, for the eligibility requirements to serve as a director. Candidate filing materials can be found on the Texas Secretary of State and the Texas Ethics Commission websites.